DIET and your TELOMERE Health

New Year is around the corner and its time to prepare your list of resolutions for the new year. I have already prepared my list of resolutions and on top of the list is ‘to increase level of Telomerase in my body’. For some of you it may sound weird. When we wish somebody ‘A Happy, Healthy New Year’, we are actually wishing an increase of telomerase level in his/her body. Still confused? Let me explain this jargon.
Our reproductive cells do not exhibit telomere (protective end cap of chromosomes) shortening and show no sign of aging. Otherwise, our sperm and egg cells would contain Telomeres the same length as rest of our cells, which would yield embryos as old as we are. The reason our cells are immortal, is because these cells produce an enzyme called TELOMERASE. In a cell that expresses Telomerase, Telomeres are lengthened as soon as they are shortened after division.
As I mentioned previously in my earlier blog, the health of our Telomeres is dependent on three factors-
1. Genetics, 2. Environment, 3. Lifestyle
The food we intake is part of our environment and at the same time is part of our Lifestyle also. Today we will focus on the diet we should have in order to increase Telomerase level in our body.
Nobel prize winning Molecular Biologist Elizabeth Blackburn in her latest book- The Telomere effect : A Revolutionary approach to living Younger, Healthier, Longer- lays out the ideal diet for optimal Telomerase and hence optimal Telomere Length. But before we jump to the list of foods we should eat or avoid, lets familiarize with two key words; Oxidative stress and Free radicals.
Cells through natural process create energy and some free radicals. Smoke and pollution add free radicals inside us. Oxidative stress is the condition when there are too much of free radicals accumulation in the body. These free radicals are responsible for telomere shortening and fast aging. Animal products like meat, cheese, butter are high in compounds that create oxidative stress.
While selecting our diet plan, our effort should focus on maintaining High Insulin level, Less inflammation and Less Oxidative Stress. For example, If we consume Aerated drinks for instance, its rich in Sugar with no fiber to slow it down and soda with sugar gives a spike in glucose and inflammation.
The mantra for a good diet to increase Telomerase level in body is Eat real food, not too much and eat mostly plants. Eating food which create Oxidative stress reduces level of Telomerase, hence result in shortening of Telomeres. Studies have shown Legumes, Nuts, Seaweeds , Fruits and 100% juices, coffee dairy products all contribute towards good Telomere health and increase telomerase level. Whereas, Sugar sweetened beverages,Alcohol, Red Meat, Processed Meat contribute towards oxidative stress and poor Telomere health.The following images summarizes the food we should take or avoid for us to living Younger, Healthier and Longer.

For more information on Diet and Telomere Health, please call +91 8800579881 or email to